JetSwap is a leading Active Promotion System. There's no any other service in the world, that is able to offer you such an abundance of advertising and promotion opportunities, as JetSwap. And given the number of active members, which has almost 100 thousand (and they are replenished regularly), Jetswap is an indispensable tool for promotion of any Web-resource or project. Ordering promotion campaign to JetSwap, you immediately attract tens of thousands of visitors to your site! All the new and modern promotion tools, combined in one service. And amazingly low prices of JetSwap, will surprise you even more. Promoting your website with JetSwap, you will save a huge amount of money, while receiving the maximum traffic. Our service - is the best way in the world to boost traffic to your site for a short time, minimizing your costs.
- Excellent opportunities for web-site promotion and earnings
- Two kinds of surfing: Manual and Auto
- Exclusive optimized engine of the system
- Super Profitable affiliate programs!
- Paid e-mails for thousands of users. Extremely low prices!
- Up to 2 points per visit for manual surfing!
- 3-level affiliate program
- Web-surfing — let visitors work for you!
- Points Stock!
- SafeSurf technology - protection against any termination of surfing and bugs!
- PopUp-surfing — get a huge amount of points!
- Bonuses for active members
- VirtualSurf - 100% safe surfing technology.
- +1% to your income for every active referral!
- Automatic bonuses from your referers
- Unlimited number of sites and banners per single account
- Random Bonuses
- This and more awaits you! Join Now!
- Instant launch of promotion campaign and immediate visitors inflow to your site!
- Active promotion, Banners, paid emails!
- Cost from $0,7 for 1000 visitors!
- Required loading of graphics and flash
- All the new and modern promotion tools, combined in one service.
- «HideReferer» option, provides «clean» hits to the ratings!
- VIP-impressions for advertisers as a gift!
- Most secure Email-deliveries on the Web!
- The time-proven protection against cheating.
You'll get more site-impressions, than you ordered!
- Our system has the leading positions in web-sites promotion see stats!
- Free Advanced targeting settings for advertisers!
- Exclusive technology of VIP-impressions.
- Hidden site impressions for extra safe traffic!
- Custom referer - changing the referer to desirable!
- SafeSurf - Technology - ratings do not determine promotion!
- Presentation Technology - consecutive clicks on links!
- Banner impressions (468x60) in surfing
- Unlimited number of sites and banners per single account
- Hidden mode site impressions options.
- Order promotion now and Save your current resources. It will increase your stable profit in the near future!
Banner networks |
Surfing |
Web-surfing and PopUp-surfing |
System supports 5 main banner networks formats:
- 468x60
- 120x60
- 100x100
- 88x31
- Text (468x15)
Only our banner networks ensure the highest CTR (ratio of clicks / impressions). Just exchange your points in banner impressions and get CTR, which does not provide any other banner network! |
System supports two kinds of surfing with member participation: Manual surfing: members earn up to 2 points per 30-second page impression! Autoserfing: Up to 1 point per 30-second site impression.
Surf timers: from 30 seconds to 300 seconds. Excelent cheat-security the customer is to choose an answer, which will not recognize any bot or program! |
Exclusive visitors exchange technology allows to start your site promotion immediately without putting any effort!
Your web-site visitors working for you!
Sign Up!